Thursday, April 15, 2010

breathing & beginnings

I'm not sure how many of you suffer from sinus headaches, but living here in KC, J & I are both plagued with them frequently. Especially at this time of year! I wanted to tell you all about our newest God-send. I purchased the Dreamtime Breathe Easy Face Pillow for J as part of his Valentine's present. He is completely addicted to it, and so am I. I purchased it for around $20, and I can not tell you how much more I would pay having used it. The pillow is formulated for headache relief and easier breathing. We love that you can either put it in a zip-lock bag and freeze it OR heat it in the microwave! Our favorite use is to warm it in the microwave in 30 second increments for a total of a minute and a half. The heat activates the aromatherapy, and it is AMAZING! The combined aromas of eucalyptus, spearmint, and peppermint work quickly to dissipate sinus headaches and promote easy breathing. The weight of the eye pillow utilizes acupressure, which feels amazing against your forehead. Allergies are running rampant this time of year, and when you get fed up, check out Dreamtime. (FYI: I purchased this in February, but we use it so often and love it so much that we felt compelled to share our new favorite with you all.) On a more exciting note, J & I have decided to begin a vacation fund! We are going to save all of our change for the next six months, and take a weekend vacation with the money we have saved. Our rules are simple: We must be able to drive to our destination within 4 hours. We must be able to cover gas, meals, and purchases with the change we have saved, and we must visit somewhere we've never been before. We will be saving every penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. Once a month, we will roll our change and buy dollars, tens, twenties, etc. (The larger denominations, we hope!) This may sound silly to many of you, but we have decided to retrain ourselves on the value of the dollar. It seems that we often pay more than we must for everyday things, and our goal in this project is to fully realize exactly where we spend every penny. SO, six months from now, we will post the total we were able to save, the destination to which we traveled, and exactly how much we spent for each activity/meal/etc. We are excited to begin this adventure, and will look forward to our reward in six months!


BlasterGirl said...

Your vacation fund sounds AWESOME! I hope it works out really well and you have enough money - GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to hear the results!

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